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Single vs Double Vent Suits

There is a saying that has been circulated in men’s suit fashion - ‘Suit maketh the man, and details maketh the suit’. Although this is a playful twist on a 14th century proverb, quoted in The Kingsman - ‘manners maketh man’, there is a lot of truth in it when it comes to finessing your new suit-to-be. Details make all the difference, and it's what personalises the suit to you!  There is much emphasis around how a suit may appear from the front - from buttons, lapel styles and pockets to fabrics and patterns, that allow you to add the personal touch. After all, as you admire your new suit in front of the mirror, it's the front that you...

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Dinner Jackets vs Suit Jackets

If you have been invited to a formal event, but are unsure whether you should wear a dinner jacket or a suit jacket, then look no further as we explain what the key differences are and when it is most appropriate to wear each respective jacket. What are the key features of both jackets? The most notable difference at first glance between the dinner jacket and the suit jacket is the satin, or lack thereof. A dinner jacket features satin lapels, whereas a suit jacket does not. The satin theme found on a dinner jacket will extend to the buttons and sometimes the pockets. In essence, a dinner jacket is more refined, supremely elegant and a luxury item of clothing...

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Two-piece Suit vs Three-piece Suit 

Choosing the correct suit is the perfect way to reflect your personality and style, especially now that there are so many designs, fabrics, patterns and cuts available. The downside to having so much variety of course, is that when we have so many options presented to us, we don't quite know where to begin!  There are 3 main types of suit, the two-piece suit, the three-piece suit, or the tuxedo – each has its own unique features that influence which one you choose. This blog compares two and three-piece suits to aid your decision when it comes to purchasing a new one. The Two-piece Suit: This suit is the most common type of suit, consisting of trousers and a matching...

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White Tie vs Black Tie Dress code

Most people have heard of a White Tie or Black Tie dress code, but perhaps have never explored what each dress code demands. After all, it is pretty exciting to receive an invitation to a formal event, but to get one that states a Black or White Tie dress code is the icing on the cake so to speak! In short, both are the most formal of events with White Tie being the top of the formal scale, and Black Tie being next in line. If you have been invited to a formal event, it is advisable to ask the host which dress code is expected. Wearing White tie to a Black tie event would be acceptable, but to wear...

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How to Fit Shirt Collar Studs

With detachable collars re-emerging on the formalwear scene as a fashionable alternative to the Oxford shirt. How to Wear the Detachable Collar and Studs The detachable collar must always be worn with a collarless shirt. When purchasing your collar, you will need to allow additional room around the neck for the collar studs that are worn at the front and back of the neck. We recommend that you choose half a collar size above your usual measurement to allow for them.  There are three different types of starched collar: the winged collar, the traditional cutaway with sharp edges, or cutaway with curved edges.  This offers you the flexibility to select the collar of your choice for your formal occasion. You...

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