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Master's Graduation Gowns: History and Meaning

Graduation ceremonies are recognised worldwide as the day a student proudly takes to the stage, adorned in the well-known and respected academic dress to collect the long anticipated degree. The iconic graduation gowns and long draping hoods, all in different colours and designs, are a truly magnificent sight as thousands of students parade through the university with their hopes and dreams finally realised.

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What to wear for your Oxford Doctors graduation?

Let's start with the gown. This robe is essential in making you feel proud on the day of your ceremony. Graduation is a day to share your achievements with the world. Wearing the gown is a right of passage and one of the things that students have been working towards from the beginning.  Each doctors robe is different and unique to the degree being collected. Please click the appropriate link below, to see the different degree's gowns. The full dress robes are the gowns worn for graduations, however, we can also make the undress gowns and habits for other engagements. Next is the hood (for DEng and DClinPsych only). Part of the ceremony will include the student finally being able to wear...

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