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Single vs Double Vent Suits

There is a saying that has been circulated in men’s suit fashion - ‘Suit maketh the man, and details maketh the suit’.

Although this is a playful twist on a 14th century proverb, quoted in The Kingsman - ‘manners maketh man’, there is a lot of truth in it when it comes to finessing your new suit-to-be.

Details make all the difference, and it's what personalises the suit to you! 

There is much emphasis around how a suit may appear from the front - from buttons, lapel styles and pockets to fabrics and patterns, that allow you to add the personal touch.

After all, as you admire your new suit in front of the mirror, it's the front that you can see! 

The lesser documented area of the suit is that which everyone else who is walking behind you sees - the vents. 

You may be thinking that it is of little importance, but at Shepherd & Woodward we know that the choice of vent can hugely influence how the final product looks on its new owner. 

What is a Suit Vent?

For the unenlightened, a suit vent is the vertical slit at the back of the suit jacket starting at the hem of the jacket and going upwards, either as a single slit in the centre, or as twin openings, that sit either side of the main seam at the back of the suit jacket.

The origin of a suit vent is rooted merely in practicality rather than fashion or style choice.

Distinguished gentlemen needed maximum mobility in their jackets as they prepared for a day of riding or hunting and so this crucial function of the jacket was borne.

As time elapsed, the purpose of the suit vent has evolved and remains a crucial aspect of a suit jacket today.

Functions of a vent:

  • Mobility - whilst you probably aren't riding a horse day to day, you still need a range of movement when sitting down or reaching for something, or simply getting in and out of vehicles etc. 
  • Drape - they allow the jacket to fall over your body naturally, fitting the shape of your torso without restriction.
  • Style - you can choose different vent styles according to personal preference or current trends.
  • Comfort - vents provide a form of air circulation, especially in the warmer weather, making your suit jacket more desirable to wear.

Which vent style should I choose?

There are a few factors that will influence your decision when choosing which suit jacket vents are best for you.

It mostly comes down to body shape and personal style, so we have listed a few things to consider: 

Single vent:

  • If you are a larger build, a single vent can be flattering, as it will not accentuate the posterior as a double-vented jacket might.
  • A single vent is a safe choice for those with a slim/average build and can create the illusion of height for shorter men, owing to the continued single straight line down the back of the suit jacket.
  • They are a safe, traditional choice if you are working in a more conservative environment, not wishing to draw attention to yourself but to wanting to feel smart and effortless.

Single vent suits are more readily available ‘off the peg’ as they are easier, faster and less expensive to make.

As long as the suit jacket sits right over the rest of the torso, then the single vent is a fail-safe option, if you wish for an ‘all-purpose’ suit.

Double vent:

  • This can also work surprisingly well for men with a larger build, as the side vents will maintain the shape of the jacket, whilst creating the slimming ‘v’ shape effect from the shoulders to the waist.
  • For those of average build, the double-vented jacket creates an elegant, cosmopolitan appearance.
  • Best avoided by a shorter man as it can make you look wider.

A double vented suit is commonly associated with British tailoring, giving the wearer a more sophisticated, fashion-forward, stand-out from the crowd look.

More of a style statement look, but is also often adopted by the traditional older gent.

Double-vented suits tend to be more costly and time-consuming to make, and as such, will be mostly found on bespoke or made-to-measure suits and not readily available off the peg.

If you require any further advice or help, please do not hesitate to contact us at Shepherd and Woodward, where our expert staff will be willing to assist you.

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